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SBC Monkey

SBC Monkey

Automated SBC Solver for EA FC Squad Building Challenges

Generated 18,076,981 solutions

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What’s included

  • 200 solutions/day
  • 24-hour response time (twitter)
  • Follow back on twitter
  • A big thank you!


Subscription renews automatically.
Cancel anytime to prevent renewal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

This extension helps you solve SBCs using players of your club. The intention is to save you some time hand crafting each SBC and instead enjoy playing the game.

The extension adds an additional button ("Use Monkey") on the SBC page as shown in the video. If you choose to click that button, it will fetch all the players from your club along with the SBC requirements and send them to our backend. Our backend will produce a solution based on the players of your club and send that back to you. You can now review the solution and make your adjustments. You have to click the "Exchange Players" button to submit the SBC.

How many solutions can I get?

  • Free tier: 3 solutions/day. The solutions refresh at 18:00 UTC.
  • Subscribers: 200 solutions/day. The solutions refresh at 18:00 UTC.


If you forgot to cancel your subscription or you want refund for any other reason please message me. I'd be happy to help you.

How can I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, please click on the “Manage subscription“ button, which is only accessible when you are signed in and currently subscribed. On the subsequent page, select “Cancel plan“. Please note that upon cancellation, you will retain access to the solutions per day until the end of the period you have paid for.

How is the cost of the solution calculated?

We use the current market data in order to assign each player a value. We then apply the following heuristic:

  • Untradeable duplicates: 10% of the market value. We want to prioritize those in the solution and empty the duplicates pile.
  • Untradeables: 70% of the market value.
  • Tradeables: 100% of the market value.
  • Concept players: 200% of the market value. Using a concept player would require you to manually buy them from the market. This is effort that we want to avoid if possible.
  • Objective players: For objective players or items that don't have a market price, we assign a price based on the rating of the card. We currently assign the P60 (60th percentile) of similarly rated cards. This is subject to change.

You can change the default configuration through extension options.

Is my account safe?

We never access your EA credentials. We don't need them to compute a solution. In fact you can confirm this by inspecting the extension code. It is intentionally not obfuscated or minified and will soon be open sourced.

Will this work with EA FC?

Yes. Once the new EA FC web app is released, we will update the extension in order to make it compatible.

How can I reach out to you?

Feel free to leave a review on the chrome extension's page. For suggestions, recommendations and bug reports you can contact us either through email, or twitter.